We had an excellent show at WOW Hall because the audience was so enthusiastic.
"Sustainable Table" joined us at the show and hosted an organic pie-eating contest.
Willamette Farm and Food Coalition tabled and set up our farm visits for the next day. Thanks!
In Eugene the day after our show we went on a bike ride and saw a girl on a bike with a trailer that said SLOW FOOD.
We asked her about it:
Then we went to visit a biodynamic farm called Full Circle Farm that also operates a bicycle powered CSA.
Here we are with Kate Perse of Full Circle Farm:

and here's our tour of the farm:
After that we visited Eugene's Youth Farm where kids get to learn how to farm organically and grow produce for a local food bank and farmer's market.

Here's our tour of their beautiful farm:
Later that night we ate many of the veggies they gave us for dinner. Best tomato and basil ever!
Thanks kids!